Monday, March 2, 2015

Well...... Here We Go

Please be patient as this is all new to me but I will get the hang of it!  I have wanted to do this for a while and have consistently put it off.  After a lot of prayer and a lot of running from it I am stepping out on faith.  I am big on journaling and always have been, just so you know there is some good reading waiting for someone once I leave this world; until then those journals are hidden away in a very safe place.  As we all know every blessing, every trial, and every lesson learned cant be kept private; there are things we are meant to share. There are lessons we learn in this life that are solely meant for no other reason but to futher Gods kingdom, to bless someone elses life, or to offer the opportunity for a family member, friend or complete stranger to hear how awesome Gods mercy, grace, forgiveness and love is. Experiencing His mercy, grace and love IS life changing.  I'm a firm believer that there are some trials and lessons that are private meant only for our own personal growth and to strengthen our personal relationship with God.  With that said we all have a story to tell and with each chapter we have a choice to draw closer to God and have faith in His plan or we can take it in our own hands and enter the world.  Since my gift is not (at all) public speaking (the words in my head never quite make it to my mouth correctly), writing is my best way of communicating what is in my head and heart.  For years I have trapped my trails and blessings, the ways God has touched me and my life in journal after journal tucked away from the world.  My hope is that someone will be encouraged by my story, that they know they are not alone. This will be my attempt at telling my story and my testimony.

A little about Me

I am 35, and a single mother of 2 awesome boys who are 16 and 11. We are a baseball family both my boys love baseball although they both also play other sports as well.  I love being at the ball park and thats where we have spent our time since my oldest was 4. We have the sweetest pit bull known to man named Peaches and a fat cat that we have had for 13 years and adore.  I have recently went through a divorce, that I never seen coming, after 16 years of marriage.  This shook me to my core and has and still is testing my faith in ways I could have never imagined. My goal is to raise these 2 young men that God has entrusted me with to seek God, to live by His every word, to fear the Lord, to know there is no gray area in scripture and to LOVE the LORD with ALL their HEARTS.

The Title

The Greatest of These... is LOVE. 1Corinthians 13:13  I believe this with all my heart, without love there is nothing. Love is so misunderstood. What love really is and means has been twisted by this world. The word love is in the bible more than 500 times yet true depth of what this word means is barely known to most. The impact of studying the magnitude and power this one little word holds is life changing. To even catch a glimpse of what this word means you not only have to study the scriptures in which it is in, but pull part that scripture looking at the Hebrew and Greek translations to truly see what is being said by our Father.  There are words in Hebrew and Greek that there are no English words for. There are several different Hebrew words that translate to love, where each have the central meaning of love, each also has elements that set it apart from the others and give one little 4 letter word more meaning and insight to a Fathers heart than you could ever imagine. I could go on but that is another post and another day.  The greatest of these is LOVE!!!

The Address

Although it wasn't my first choice or at least I didn't come into this with it in is perfect. I believe we are all running from our own Nineveh.  I think we all can relate to Jonah, we all have ignored Gods call, we have all ran at some point, we have all be caught in a storm we knew was our fault due to our choices; we have all found our selves in darkness...alone in the belly of our own whale; we have all been given a second chance and seen Gods Power, His Grace and His Mercy only to stomp our feet like a 2 year old when things didn't go the way we think they should.  We all think we have it figured out, that we can be the judge.  We forget sin is sin no matter what kind it is. We forget His mercy and grace is for everyone and not just us. We forget we have no understanding on what the big picture is.  We forget we are but one of His children, we forget how deep our Fathers LOVE is for us all!

This is my story......................................................................................................................................

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